About Me

My name is Doña Bumgarner. I live with my partner, a toddler, a teenager and three cats in Santa Cruz, California.

I think people and the lives they live are fascinating. I believe everyone has a story. I love to learn. And I write about all that.

I’ve been writing stories since I wrote and illustrated my first book at age 2. I’ve been writing professionally on and off since 2002, and writing blogs in various formats since 2001.

A few random things about me:

  • I have a BA degree in fine art.
  • From the age of 2 until I was 9 we lived “off the grid,” without electricity, city water, sewer or garbage collection. We raised goats for milk and chickens for eggs and grew the bulk of our vegetables in our garden.
  • When I was 18 I rebuilt the engine of my 1959 Chevy Bel Air.
  • I believe there is good energy in things made from scratch and that the smell of baby heads and freshly-made bread are possibly the best things in the world.

I’d love to hear from you.